Monday, December 26, 2011


Dear Sarah...
This post is JUST for u!!!!!! I wanted 2 thank u for joining and to ask u if u could ask others to join!!! Thank you soooooooooooooooo much!!



Here at last are some of Genna's top quotes from The Teashop Girls!! But first here are some of the rules:

1. Teashop girls are best friends forever
2. Tea is held every week no matter what
3. All tea and scones must be split equally at all times
4. Tea must be drunk out of proper cups, like china
5. No grownups or boys allowed at tea
And our favorite..
6. Burping is not allowed at tea unless it is really quiet and you say "Excuse me," afterward
Thanks you guys and remember, the rules apply to you too!

Happy HolidaysFrom Annie & Scones!

Dear Readers,
Thank you so much for being good visitors! We just wanted to wish all off you a happy holidays! We hope you stay happy and safe and have a great new year!


What is our favorite character in the stories? Mine is Genna! If you love Genna, stick around because I will be posting some of her best quotes from the story! Maybe about once a week, okay? Thanks, see you later!